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How To Stay Stylish On A Budget

Looking good, is an essential element to feeling confident. There is a general notion that looking good does not come cheap. However, you do not have to break the bank to look the part. I will be showing you tips on staying stylish without spending a fortune. Let us look at some of these tips below. - Invest In Basics : Get yourself a few basic pieces with neutral colours. Neutral colours help you combine different outfits easily without having to own so many pieces. Examples of neutrals are black, grey, white, navy, brown. One staple must have is the good old little black dress. Trust me this is not just a clichรฉ. You can never go wrong with black. Throw on a pop of colour and your look comes alive.  - Look out for sales : Different stores usually have seasonal sales. You can get great outfits for as low as half the price or even more, thereby saving some cash. - Understand your body shape : Shopping outfits that flatter your shape makes you look confident and stylish.  - Shop at pre-

Tips To Make Money Out Of Your Closet

Have you ever wondered what to do with those outfits hanging in your closet and you have no need of? Yes I know you have lots of them. Sometimes we make some purchases on impulse, and then later realize we actually did not need the items. Or you purchase an outfit hoping to 'grow' into it, either by weight loss or weight gain and that does not happen. You are then stuck with an outfit that does not fit. It could even be an outfit you bought for an occasion and never wore after that occasion. All these can be turned to cash instead of wasting away in your closet. Listed below are ways you can convert your fashion items to cash.

RENT: A good way to make money without actually letting your fashion pieces go, is by renting them out. There are people who are tight on a budget and need a quick fix for an event, such people will rather rent than buy, and you have your money in your pocket. However, you need to be mindful and ensure you have a return policy in place

SELL: There a a couple of places to sell online such as Instagram, Facebook, eBay just to mention a few. When selling on Instagram and Facebook, ensure to include your location in order for people within close proximity to find you easily. Make use of hashtags on Instagram, this is a great way to be visible. 

BUYBACK: There are some designer stores that pay you for clothes you bought from them. You can explore this option if you have designer wears.


-Ensure the items are in good condition.

-Dry clean clothes. For shoes and other accessories, give them a nice clean.

-Take great pictures to increase your chances of selling.

-Style yourself in the outfit, this will draw more attention and create a desire in the mind of your prospective buyers. It also gives them inspiration on how they can style the outfit(s). 

-You can offer free delivery, people love freebies. Be wise about this, for deliveries that will cost you a lot, consider incorporating the delivery fee in the actual price of the item.

So when next you need some cash, look in to your closet.

I hope you enjoyed this. You can leave your thoughts or contributions in the comments.



  1. So informative,good work ๐Ÿ‘

  2. Hmmm,very insightful! On my way to rent those old clothes ๐Ÿ˜‚

  3. I just learnt a thing! Thank you for the tips

  4. Great advice for the shopaholics. Well done


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